2020年3月3日, sztv – 美国华人组织牵头向深圳7家医院捐赠抗疫物资 (video link)
February 28, 2020, Bill Gates – Responding to Covid-19 — A Once-in-a-Century Pandemic?
February 21, 2020, Sacramento Bee – Coronavirus updates: ‘Now is the time for U.S.’ to prepare for worldwide spread, CDC says
February 21, 2020, NBC Bay Area – Wuhan Native Pulls Bay Area Together to Send Supplies for Coronavirus Relief
February 20, 2020, KRON 4 News – Wuhan natives team up in Bay Area to send supplies to China amid deadly coronavirus
February 19, 2020, people.com – 海外华侨华人持续驰援祖国,“再难,也要把医疗物资运回国”
February 19, 2020, KQED – ‘That’s Where I Grew Up’: The Wuhan Natives Organizing Aid From The Bay
What happens when a crisis breaks out at home, but you’re living across the world?
— KQED (@KQED) February 20, 2020
For Tom Gong and many of the thousands of graduates from Wuhan who live in Silicon Valley, it’s launched them into action to aid against the #coronavirus. Hear more: https://t.co/mEV9d6GkUt
February 19, 2020, CGTN – Wuhan United: Silicon Valley entrepreneur helps city at epicenter of COVID-19 outbreak
A Silicon Valley entrepreneur is helping people in Wuhan by gathering much needed medical supplies. The city is in a shortage of supplies.#coronavirushttps://t.co/OaomJZr208 pic.twitter.com/KluMRkzHhy
— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) February 18, 2020
February 14, 2020, ABC7 News – Coronavirus: Wuhan natives and others in Bay Area band together in relief effort
More than one million pieces of personal protective equipment has already been delivered to Wuhan health workers, because of Bay Area-based assistance. #coronavirus https://t.co/WM7sJ2ldtD
— ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) February 15, 2020
February 14, 2020, KQED – Wuhan Natives Living in the Bay Area Organize Long-Distance Coronavirus Relief
Tom Gong, who attended university in Wuhan and lives in San Jose, connected online with fellow alumni and others with ties to the city to figure out how to send help when the #coronavirus surfaced. https://t.co/zwJDvxf4AA
— KQED News (@KQEDnews) February 15, 2020
February 7, 2020, Direct Relief – In Living Rooms and on WeChat, A New Group Is Fighting Coronavirus
To help prevent the spread of the #Coronarivus, a group of Bay Area residents has sprung into action, forming Wuhan United: https://t.co/LBaEko40KV
— Direct Relief (@DirectRelief) February 7, 2020
February 6, 2020, Direct Relief – U.S. Private Sector Backing China’s Coronavirus Fight
With support from many companies & organizations, @DirectRelief today sent a major shipment of personal protective gear to Chinese hospitals at the epicenter of the #coronavirus outbreak. @FedEx, @HP Foundation, @Amazon, @Cal_OES, Wuhan United & more. https://t.co/0sTNKdjRoI
— Direct Relief (@DirectRelief) February 6, 2020
February 1, 2020, People.cn – 21小时接力护送!2.5吨医用物资从旧金山直接运抵武汉协和医院
January 31, 2020, People’s Daily Weibo – 终于武汉协和医院收到急需物资

January 30, 2020, Map International – MAP International airlifts 120 pallets of surgical masks and protective gear to China hospitals hard-hit by coronavirus